8 Interesting facts about CBD and CBG

CBD (Cannabidiol) and CBG (Cannabigerol) are medicinal plant compounds derived from hemp. If you are interested in trying CBD or CBG, you will find that there is a LOT of information and misinformation out there. Here at NOORI we want to help you fully understand how and why CBD and/or CBG affects your well-being. In this article we tell you 8 interesting facts about CBD and CBG that every current and potential CBD and/or CBG user should know.

  1. There are more than 100 ingredients in the cannabis plant.
  2. Not all CBD or CBG products are the same.
  3. CBD and CBG are safe to use.
  4. CBD and CBG will not get you high.
  5. There are different ways to use CBD and CBG.
  6. The human body also produces cannabinoids.
  7. CBD and CBG can also help your animals.
  8. There is no established effective dose for CBD and CBG.

1.There are more than 100 ingredients in the cannabis plant.

You probably knew that CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the components of cannabis, but did you know that this is only a small part?

For example, CBG is the “first” cannabinoid to develop in cannabis. In reality, cannabidiol and Cannabigerol is one of more than 100 components of cannabis that have different effects on the human mind and body. Scientists are still working on finding other ingredients, so the number continues to grow.

Industrial hemp is a variant of the Cannabis sativa plant, which is specially grown for industrial use.

> Read our blog post here: What is industrial hemp? <

2. Not all CBD and CBG products are the same.

It is important to understand that not all CBD and CBG products are the same. More and more CBD and CBG products are appearing on the market, but the reality is that the industry remains largely unregulated. It takes time for rules and regulations to be enforced! It simply means that as a consumer it is important to always do your research and ensure that your CBD products are safe.

>Read our blog post here: Different types of hemp extraction methods<

NOORI full spectrum CBD and CBG oil is cold-pressed CBD and CBG oil based on hemp seed oil or MCT oil.

>Read our blog post here: Cold-pressed oil. Enjoy 100% natural benefits<

3. CBD and CBG are safe to use.

According to the World Health Organization, CBD is tolerated by most people. It has been noted to have a “good safety profile” and most scientists agree that it is impossible to overdose on CBD or CBG. In general, CBD and CBG are a safe bet, but we still recommend consulting with your doctor to make sure taking CBD or CBG is the right decision for you.

4. CBD and CBG don’t get you high.

CBD and CBG have several health benefits, but they do get you high! Although CBD and CBG come from the Industrial hemp plant (Cannabis sativa), the same plant species that gives us marijuana), CBD and CBG products contain little or no THC, the psychoactive compound that produces a high, euphoric high feeling.

5. There are different ways to consume CBD or CBG.

There are so many ways to consume CBD or CBG. Once extracted from the plant, it can be used as a cream that is absorbed through the skin, taken orally via drops, cooked into food or other edibles (health gummies), or even vaporized for smoking

>Read our blog post here: What is CBD cream? An introduction to skin care products with CBD<

6. The human body also produces cannabinoids.

Cannabinoids are a group of chemical compounds found in hemp plants, but do you think they also occur in the human body? Endocannabinoids are produced in the human body and are part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is mainly found in the brain and central nervous system. Phyto cannabinoids occur in plants. Synthetic cannabinoids are produced by artificially.

7. CBD and CBG can also help your animals.

CBD and CBG are not only beneficial for human health, but can also do wonders for your cats and dogs!

8. There is no established effective dose of CBD and CBG.

Although many people use CBD or CBG products to manage health problems, science has not determined the ideal dosage. There are several factors that determine the effectiveness of a CBD or CBG dose, including the method of consumption, the product and the physiology of the consumer. The best way to find the right dosage is through trial and error, because the perfect dosage is different for different persons!

>Find our CBD oil here<
>Find our CBG oil here<
>Find our skin care products here<

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